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Moving checklist

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Your budget

You probably already know how much you can afford to set aside for rent each month, but check if the average cost in your area matches what you want to spend. It can pay to be flexible about location.

We often see people getting caught out by weekly rent and monthly rent costs too – so do your maths! You can’t multiply a weekly rent by four to get the monthly estimate (most months have more than four weeks). Instead multiply the weekly rent by 52 (weeks in the year) and divide by 12 for the monthly total.

If you don’t mind a big house share with lots of flatmates, it’s definitely worth considering – they’re usually cheaper as the rent and bills are split between more people.

Essential property features

What’s really important to you in a new home? Whether it’s a living room or an extra toilet you can’t live without, write it down –  make a list of your non-negotiables, then add in any extra “nice to haves”.

Stay realistic though – e.g. if you’re desperate for an ensuite, know this might push the rent up considerably.

The location

Do you want to be within a five minute walk of shops and a bus route? Write it down. Know what’s local too. If it’s essential to have a pub in walking distance (and of course it is), explore your surrounding streets to see what’s there.

How safe is the area? It’s worth visiting at both day and night to get a feel for the place.

Nearby transport/parking

Commuters: scope out your nearest station/bus stop – this will save you precious time in the morning! And although it sounds obvious, if you’ve got a car ask about parking and permit costs too so you don’t end up with a hefty fine.


If the locks, windows or doors look flimsy, speak up. Your security in your home is vital – insuring the contents of your property can give you extra peace of mind.


Let’s face it: being woken up by traffic in the summer when all your windows are open, isn’t deal. Even less ideal: your TV being regularly drowned out. Visit the property at different times of the day to suss the noise levels out and check for your nearest pubs and clubs – not just for your next night out, but for their potential noise impact.

Outdoor space

Getting a garden in a city is pretty rare, but you might be able to use a communal garden. Failing that, a balcony or good distance to a local park will get you outside.

Bills, bills, bills

Find a rent that includes bills too and you’re onto a winner. On SpareRoom you can filter your search to only show rooms with bills included.

If your rent doesn’t cover it, prepare to budget and shop around to get the best deal. Services like Tenant Shop compare different providers to find the cheapest price for you.

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